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Showing posts with the label encouraging word


Do you know the difference between the kite and the word? If you do? this article is for you and if you don't?  much more you need to read this article. It is fun and exciting to see kites flying in the sky, with different colors, sizes and designs during kites festival. Awesome!, Fantastic!, and Amazing! are some words you will hear from thousands of spectators watching the said event. Words on the other hand, when uses properly bring joy, comfort, encouragement, and life. But if you are not careful,  it will destroy others life. More families and friendship are broken and destroyed because of inappropriate use of words. So it brings life and death, curse and blessing to ones life. Now, let me differentiate to you the difference between the KITE and the WORD. The kite when you let it fly and reaches its highest peak you can pull it back to you anytime you want through the string connected to it. On the other side, when you let the word fly, it goes directly