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Showing posts with the label mind healthy foods


We wanted to stay sharp and precise as much as we can and remember every single details of our lives. But most of the times, we caught off-guard. You forget that last night was your most romantic evening. It is the time when you say “Yes I Do” and promised your wife that you will love her forever. How can you do that? while in fact,  you forget to greet her last night and celebrate  your wedding anniversary. How about this scenario, you are so excited, you packed up your things and went ahead on your supposed group swimming only to find out that it was postponed and you can not blame the group because you were there and voted for its postponement. I believe you can relate to this story or even have a dozen one. Gone are those days my friends, when we have the so-called “Photographic Memory.” Our ability to remember things exactly and accurately. In my quest, to make my brain healthy, I search for food for the brain. And I came across to BrainReady’s bl