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Showing posts with the label white chicken

Natural Way Of Raising White Chickens

When I read an article from Philippine Panorama dated January 2, 2011, about white chickens being pasturized my first reaction is to write a blog about it. But I found out that there are existing blogs written by no less Sac B. Sarian himself and another one written by Solraya. I don't want to duplicate whatever has been written about raising white chickens the natural farming way. My purpose is to increase people's awareness that indeed it is possible to raise imported white chickens like raising the local chickens. Poultry raisers must try raising white chickens this way. Aside from a good source of income, the pasturize white chickens will give its consumer a healthy meat free from large dose of antibiotics and synthetic growth hormones which is detrimental to our health. Through this, I want to encourage not only poultry raisers from my native land, the Philippines but also poultry raisers around the world to try to raise white chickens the natural farming